Doing decisions differently

A two year project exploring new ways of making public policy

Deliberative Democracy for Climate Adaptation


Partners: Gisborne District Council; Tāmanuhiri Tūtū Poroporo Trust; CCS Disability Action; Manaaki Matakaoa.

In 2023, Te Weu worked with three communities in Tairāwhiti to develop case studies to be used in a series of citizen assemblies / kāhui in 2024 that will identify opportunities for Gisborne District Council to support climate adaptation in the region.

The purpose of this project is to: (a) document and garner lessons from case studies of how communities are recovering from Cyclone Gabrielle and planning how they can adapt and transition to a more resilient, survivable future; and (b) organise a deliberative Tairāwhiti citizen assembly/kāhui to consider expert advice and case study experience on how GDC in collaboration with private and public sector stakeholders can best facilitate and support communities to develop their own adaptation plans as well as contribute to the development of regional adaptation plans.  

Deliberative Democracy is a popular movement worldwide and a number of local governments in Aotearoa are experimenting with this process. For example Wellington City Council recently included a Citizens Assembly in the Long Term Plan prioritisation process.

Deliberative Democracy Example:

Here is a link to a recent Deliberative Democracy presentation organised by Koi Tū, Centre for Informed Futures at University of Auckland on Democratic innovation: why we need it and how to do it with Art O’Leary (National Citizen Assemblies, Government of Ireland) and Colin Megill (Polis, USA).

In another webinar hosted by Our Climate Declaration, Dr Tatjana Buklijas and Kristiann Allen discussed how deliberative democracy can act as a bridge between public perceptions of major issues including climate change and the potential solutions. Both were instrumental in setting up the Citizens Assembly project recently used by Watercare in Auckland. This was the final piece in a three-year research project developing and testing a deliberative democratic process for Aotearoa-New Zealand. Watch the webinar recording here:

Harley Dibble

Harley Dibble
Project Manager, Deliberative Democracy Project